A Year in Review 

by | Feb 24, 2025


A chorus of “Feliz Año Nuevo!” rang out in our church building as dozens upon dozens of fireworks exploded around us. This is always one of my favorite services at our church because we get to celebrate all that God has done in and through our church over the past year. It’s a time when we recognize those who were baptized in the past year, those who faithfully served, and those who completed their discipleship course. In the case of the several young ladies who completed discipleship with my wife—well, we always joke that this is a true accomplishment because, without fail, she manages to stretch a three-month course into nine months. But as teenagers and adults crowded the stage to receive their certificates, I couldn’t help but thank God for all that He has done this past year. 

For the past three years, Josue has worked alongside me at El Salvador Baptist Church while studying at the Bible College. As his pastor, it has been my privilege to see how God has used him and shaped him into the man he is today. Over the past year, we have fervently prayed together for guidance on where God would have him serve full-time. After graduating in December from the Seminary, God opened the door for him to begin serving as the Assistant Pastor at Redentor Baptist Church! Please be praying with us for Pastor Josue. Looking back on his time with us, I can see how mightily God has used him in our church, and I am so excited to see how He will continue to use him at Redentor in the years to come.   

Your Missionaries to Peru,
Mitch, Jacqulyn, Landon, and Ryan McCormack


  1. We are so grateful to celebrate the three that just finished their discipleship course!  
  2. We are praising God for the dozens of new workers we have had in 2024 who have faithfully served in their home church!  

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please be praying for Pastor Josue as he officially begins his new full-time position at Redentor Baptist Church as part of the pastoral team.
  2. Please be praying for our upcoming Teen Camp.