“Five and a half inches! And this one is seven inches!” Measurements for everything, from a brother’s shoe to Sadie’s head, were excitedly shouted down the stairs. As you may have guessed, one of our children recently started learning how to measure in his math class, leaving nothing and no one safe from his little blue plastic ruler. Yet, while Landon has indeed done his best to measure every single thing in our house, as I reflect on this past month, I can truly say we have been blessed beyond measure.
This past month was a busy one, with both our first-ever Women’s Conference and our Couples Conference. My wife may have mentioned something about wanting to attend the next church calendar planning meeting after we had those back-to-back weekend events, but God worked in so many hearts and lives during both conferences. We had a total of twenty couples attend the Couples Conference, and thirty-eight women attended the Women’s Conference! We are beyond blessed that many were able to hear the Gospel for the very first time, and countless important decisions were made.
The chilly water lapped along the banks of the river, and by that point, I do believe my toes were truly numb, but it didn’t matter. Fredy, Merry, Alejandro, Eduardo, Angeli, Estefany, Paula, and Armando had each just taken the next step in their faith and chosen to get baptized. My smile stretched wider as I thought of the testimonies they shared. Estefany’s testimony stood out in particular, as she boldly proclaimed, “I believe that Christ died on the cross for my sins, and I believe that He didn’t stay dead but rose again on the third day. Now, I just want to help share this with others, so they can know that there is hope and that God can fill the emptiness inside them just like He came into my life and filled mine!” We are truly blessed beyond measure to witness all that God is doing here in Peru.
Your Missionaries to Peru,
Mitch, Jacqulyn, Landon, and Ryan McCormack

- Eight people were baptized this month!
- We had twenty couples attend our Couples Conference!
- There were just under forty women at our first ever Women’s Conference!
Prayer Requests:
- Please be praying for Jonny to get saved.
- Please be praying for the eight who were baptized to continue to grow in their walk with the Lord.