Joy to the World

As the final notes of “Joy to the World” floated through the air, a look of pure horror overtook my wife’s face. The object of her agonized gaze was none other than our toddler son, who, with his impeccable timing as always, had chosen that precise moment to start playing with his shepherd’s “dress,” as he had persistently called it.

Thankful, Grateful, and Blessed 

The smell of pumpkin bread finds me upstairs. I think this is the third time this week my wife has made some variation of pumpkin something. I’m not sure yet if she loves pumpkin that much or if she's simply trying to bring fall into our little house, even though it’s most definitely spring here in Arequipa.

Blessed Beyond Measure 

“Five and a half inches! And this one is seven inches!” Measurements for everything, from a brother’s shoe to Sadie’s head, were excitedly shouted down the stairs. As you may have guessed, one of our children recently started learning how to measure in his math class, leaving nothing and no one safe from his little blue plastic ruler.

Penciled In

The August completion date for our church construction project turned into a large smudge on the calendar as I finished erasing. Yes, one of the kids had definitely been chewing on the tip of this eraser. “Oh well,” I thought to myself, “at least the date had been penciled in.

Subject to Change 

“You need to leave the country.” The words barreled into me. This was not how things
were supposed to go. My mind was reeling. After months of paperwork, immigration
appointments, and background checks, our only remaining option was to leave the country and then, upon re-entry, try to file the paperwork over again.

On a Quest

Squeals of excitement danced through the air as dozens of little ones, standing on tiptoes, vied for a better glimpse of the storybook setting hidden inside. The gates were opened, the drawbridge was lowered, and with the help of a missions trip team from the States, our first-ever Vacation Bible School at El Salvador Baptist Church began.


Peru is in desperate need of the hope we have in Christ. The vast majority of Peruvians are taught from their youth that they must prove to God their worth and faithfulness in order to be saved, and they spend their entire life in bondage to that belief, never being able to measure up. We need to take the liberating message of the gospel to them now so that they may believe on Christ and be free to live for Him!

During my time in Arequipa looking over the city and the great need for the gospel, the Lord broke my heart for the people living there who did not have the gospel witness I grew up with and took for granted for so many years. We went up to a mountain side and looked down over the city at night and imagined every light was a soul that needed to be saved. I realized that there are many dying every day without the hope we have in Jesus. It was at that time I was called and began training to return to Peru to start churches and train men for the ministry.

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Vision Baptist Missions, Inc.

PO Box 647
Dawsonville, GA 30534