December 2019 Prayer Letter
A Season of Thanksgiving
As I flip the page on our calendar, I can hardly believe it. December. The word stares back at me.
It seems like only yesterday that I was sitting in my driveway on that rainy January evening, with my left-turn signal flashing, barely containing my excitement as we waited to pull out to our very first meeting.
Thinking back on this year though, I am once again humbled. Humbled by each and everyone of the churches who have been such an encouragement to us. Humbled by the men and women who have come along side us to partner with us. Humbled by God’s goodness to us. While words hardly seem adequate, all I can say is, thank you. Last month, we had started praying and had asked you all to be praying specifically that we hear from ten new supporting churches by the end of the year. While this seemed like a big task, I am so glad that nothing is too big for our God.
We have already heard from seven of those ten churches! What an exciting month it has been. Even more exciting is the fact that we met another young man this month who really believes that God is calling him to foreign missions. I was able to sit down and pray with him, and I challenged him to prayerfully consider coming to the Our Generation Training Center to receive further training in missions.
Because he lives on the other side of the country, this will not be an easy task. However, I whole-heartedly believe that training is essential, and God is working in big ways here in Alpharetta, Georgia.
Please pray with us for this young man and his next steps.
Your Missionaries to Peru, Mitch, Jacqulyn, Landon, and Ryan McCormack
We had asked for prayer to hear from ten more churches by the end of the year, and we have already heard from seven new churches this past month!
Prayer Requests
For God to work in young people’s lives during the OG Conference on January 2-4, 2020.
In the next few weeks. we are really looking to finish booking up our remaining openings for 2020.
December 2019 Prayer Letter
A Season of Thanksgiving
As I flip the page on our calendar, I can hardly believe it. December. The word stares back at me.
It seems like only yesterday that I was sitting in my driveway on that rainy January evening, with my left-turn signal flashing, barely containing my excitement as we waited to pull out to our very first meeting.
Thinking back on this year though, I am once again humbled. Humbled by each and everyone of the churches who have been such an encouragement to us. Humbled by the men and women who have come along side us to partner with us. Humbled by God’s goodness to us. While words hardly seem adequate, all I can say is, thank you. Last month, we had started praying and had asked you all to be praying specifically that we hear from ten new supporting churches by the end of the year. While this seemed like a big task, I am so glad that nothing is too big for our God.
We have already heard from seven of those ten churches! What an exciting month it has been. Even more exciting is the fact that we met another young man this month who really believes that God is calling him to foreign missions. I was able to sit down and pray with him, and I challenged him to prayerfully consider coming to the Our Generation Training Center to receive further training in missions.
Because he lives on the other side of the country, this will not be an easy task. However, I whole-heartedly believe that training is essential, and God is working in big ways here in Alpharetta, Georgia.
Please pray with us for this young man and his next steps.
We had asked for prayer to hear from ten more churches by the end of the year, and we have already heard from seven new churches this past month!
Prayer Requests
For God to work in young people’s lives during the OG Conference on January 2-4, 2020.
• In the next few weeks. we are really looking to finish booking up our remaining openings for 2020.
Missionaries to the country of Peru.
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