Blue and yellow balloons crisscrossed the entryway, and dozens of volunteers swarmed around, each busy with their individual tasks. The whole building seemed to hum with excitement. It was the Inaugural Service of Redeemer Baptist Church. Fourteen visitors from the community showed up that day. Fourteen visitors heard a clear presentation of the Gospel. We are so thrilled with how God is using the Millers in this needy area, and we are so grateful to be partnering with them in this new church plant! But Redeemer Baptist Church’s inaugural service was just the first of many new beginnings this month!
We continue to be amazed this month by God’s goodness at El Salvador Baptist Church, allowing us to witness eleven people begin their new lives in Christ! On Mother’s Day, we had 190 in attendance. With 30 in the children’s class, 20 in the nursery, and 140 in the main auditorium, people were crowded into the kitchen and standing along the open windows to hear the message being preached. While slightly unconventional, God still worked in amazing ways. Eight men and women came back to talk with a counselor after the service, and each went on to make a profession of faith. God is so good! The following Wednesday, a young lady named Brenda, who had been regularly meeting with my wife Jacqulyn and several other ladies in the church for a Bible study for the past several months, also decided to begin her new life in Christ. With tears streaming down her face, Brenda bowed her head and prayed to accept Christ into her heart. Then, Isabella, a twelve-year-old girl who had begun a Bible study with Karina, a young mother who completed her discipleship course last year, also decided to accept Christ as her Savior! What a joy it is to see people reaching people! However, I have to admit, the most exciting one for me was Merlinda. Merlinda lives on the property just to the left of the church. Every Sunday and Wednesday since we started at El Salvador Baptist Church, I have knocked on her door and invited her to join our services. She had never come until last week. Last week, she sat down in the second row and listened to the Gospel. After the service, she talked with one of our leaders and explained how she just felt like there was such a void in her life. Something was missing. And that night, Merlinda found just what was missing, as she invited Jesus into her heart and began her new life as a daughter of the King.
Construction on El Salvador Baptist Church has begun! The foundation to accommodate the new metal structure has been laid, the beams have gone up, and the floor for the second story has been put down! Thank you so much to those who have made this progress possible. Of the $29,700 needed for this project, $10,500 has already come in! We are so grateful for how quickly the work has advanced thus far, and for the generosity that has allowed this to happen. Please continue to pray that God would provide the remaining $19,200 as we continue in faith on what was begun.
Your Missionaries to Peru,
Mitch, Jacqulyn, Landon, and Ryan McCormack

- We are a little over a third of the way there, with $10,500 of the needed $27,900 needed!
- We area so excited for the eleven people who made professions of faith this past month!
Prayer Requests:
- Please be praying with us as we start following up with the many visitors who came for the first service of Redeemer Baptist Church.
- Please be praying for El Salvador Baptist Church as we continue construction!