March 2021 Prayer Letter
Round and Around and Around
“Absolutely terrifying.” I believe those are the words my wife uttered that chilly fall morning. as she made what must have been the fourth lap around the roundabout, and in some ways, I had to agree with her. The prospect of being stuck forever at that traffic circle was absolutely terrifying. As we narrowly avoided our exit, yet again, I heard my wife mildly state, “Well, we will just have to go around again . . .” We did, of course, eventually make our way off that roundabout, but lately, with all of the dizzying circles of the new Covid mandates and quarantines here in Peru, I have often thought of that November morning.
Thank you so much for praying this past month for Peru to remain open. While our city did undergo a two-week quarantine in February, we are so grateful that we are open again! Even though we may have gotten here only at the start of the new year, we have already had some great firsthand experience with the revolving door of Covid mandates and quarantines here in Peru. We are truly grateful for the opportunity now to have fewer restrictions. While we know our God is not limited by any government mandate, we would love the opportunity to be able to go out and learn more about the culture and to be able to minister freely here in Peru.
Please be praying with us that this revolving door of restrictions continues to stay open.
Another huge praise we have is that in spite of this quarantine, we were able to continue in language school and in ministry opportunities, albeit by using slightly more creative methods. One of these opportunities was simply playing soccer with a young missionary intern and about twenty-five teenage boys we met at a park. After playing all afternoon, having pizza, and then being chased off the field by a police officer, we were able to invite these teenagers to church. The very next service, five of them showed up for church and were able to hear a very clear presentation of the Gospel. Since then, one of these teens, Leo, has come to accept Christ as His Saviour!
Please be praying for Leo in the days to come that he would continue to grow in his relationship with the Lord and for the other young men that they too would make a decision to accept Christ as their Saviour. What an amazing God we serve who can take even a revolving door of restrictions and use it for His glory.
Your Missionaries to Peru,
Mitch, Jacqulyn, Landon, and Ryan McCormack

- Leo made a profession of faith!
- The city has re-opened!
Prayer Requests
- Please be praying for the salvation of the other young men we have been able to meet at the soccer fields.
- Please continue to pray that we learn the language quickly
March 2021 Prayer Letter
Round and Around and Around
“Absolutely terrifying.” I believe those are the words my wife uttered that chilly fall morning. as she made what must have been the fourth lap around the roundabout, and in some ways, I had to agree with her. The prospect of being stuck forever at that traffic circle was absolutely terrifying. As we narrowly avoided our exit, yet again, I heard my wife mildly state, “Well, we will just have to go around again . . .” We did, of course, eventually make our way off that roundabout, but lately, with all of the dizzying circles of the new Covid mandates and quarantines here in Peru, I have often thought of that November morning.
Thank you so much for praying this past month for Peru to remain open. While our city did undergo a two-week quarantine in February, we are so grateful that we are open again! Even though we may have gotten here only at the start of the new year, we have already had some great firsthand experience with the revolving door of Covid mandates and quarantines here in Peru. We are truly grateful for the opportunity now to have fewer restrictions. While we know our God is not limited by any government mandate, we would love the opportunity to be able to go out and learn more about the culture and to be able to minister freely here in Peru.
Please be praying with us that this revolving door of restrictions continues to stay open.
Another huge praise we have is that in spite of this quarantine, we were able to continue in language school and in ministry opportunities, albeit by using slightly more creative methods. One of these opportunities was simply playing soccer with a young missionary intern and about twenty-five teenage boys we met at a park. After playing all afternoon, having pizza, and then being chased off the field by a police officer, we were able to invite these teenagers to church. The very next service, five of them showed up for church and were able to hear a very clear presentation of the Gospel. Since then, one of these teens, Leo, has come to accept Christ as His Saviour!
Please be praying for Leo in the days to come that he would continue to grow in his relationship with the Lord and for the other young men that they too would make a decision to accept Christ as their Saviour. What an amazing God we serve who can take even a revolving door of restrictions and use it for His glory.
Your Missionaries to Peru,
Mitch, Jacqulyn, Landon, and Ryan McCormack

- Leo made a profession of faith!
- The city has re-opened!
Prayer Requests
- Please be praying for the salvation of the other young men we have been able to meet at the soccer fields.
- Please continue to pray that we learn the language quickly
Missionaries to the country of Peru.
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