On a Quest

by | Jul 24, 2024


Squeals of excitement danced through the air as dozens of little ones, standing on tiptoes, vied for a better glimpse of the storybook setting hidden inside. The gates were opened, the drawbridge was lowered, and with the help of a missions trip team from the States, our first-ever Vacation Bible School at El Salvador Baptist Church began. As the children embarked on an adventure filled with games, crafts, and Bible story lessons, we began our own quest to reach into the community and share the love and hope of Christ. Over the next three days, nearly one thousand parents and children passed through our doors, many for the very first time. Several of these parents and children placed their trust in Christ as their personal Savior! While the week ended with long nights and lots of caffeine, it was exciting to watch the Lord work through this event and to see several families start on a new path with Christ. 

Apart from witnessing someone accept Christ as their Savior, I believe watching someone follow the Lord in Believer’s Baptism is my next favorite thing. One night after discipleship this past month, Rousmary came to my wife and told her that it was time; she was finally going to take the next step and get baptized. And so she did! In the middle of winter, and with no hot water, Rousmary got baptized! As is often the case when one sets out on a quest to truly live for God and seek Him first, Rousmary’s testimony inspired several other teenage girls who had also been saved this past year to step out in faith as well. Now we are thrilled to be planning our next baptismal service, and we are excited to see how God will continue to work in the lives of these young people as they continue on their journey of growing in Him.    

Your Missionaries to Peru,
Mitch, Jacqulyn, Landon, and Ryan McCormack


  1. We are so excited for the several that made professions of faith during the VBS and for the many first time visitors that we had. 
  2. We are so thrilled that Rousmary got baptized!   

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please be praying with us as we continue to follow up with the many visitors that we had during the VBS.  
  2. Please be praying for El Salvador Baptist Church as we finish construction!