Giving Tuesday

Help a Church-Plant on Giving Tuesday! Make a Donation # GivingTuesday a permanent home for Omega Baptist ChurchAs we head into this Giving Tuesday, I would love to share a little bit more about an amazing opportunity here in Peru. While we have had the privilege to...

September Prayer Letter

Printable Version September 2021 Prayer Letter Laboring On The tantalizing aroma of burgers on the grill, the greasy residue feel of Bullfrog sunscreen, and the cool shock after diving into an overly chlorinated pool. To my seven- year-old self, this was the...

August Prayer Letter

Printable Version August 2021 Prayer Letter New Beginnings My mom was one of those moms who had a slight obsession with labeling all of my school supplies. Even my number two pencils had a carefully placed label with my name. She used to say that it helped me not...

July Prayer Letters

Printable Version JUly 2021 Prayer Letter Finding Hope Despair, fear, pain, curiosity—these were the faces, the faces of each man, woman, and child. The faces of the 933 patients we treated. Each one was searching. Looking for answers. Looking for hope. And many of...

June Prayer Letter

Printable Version JUNE 2021 Prayer Letter On the Move Have you ever heard one of those whistles? I don’t mean one of those happy-go-lucky sounds. I mean one of those hair-raising, ear-splitting whistles. My dad had one. He said he learned it from a dog-trainer, but he...