by Mitch McCormack | May 8, 2021 | Prayer Letter
Prayer lettersThe McCormack Family Printable Version MAY 2021 Prayer Letter Up Next “Up next to the plate, standing at four feet ten, and weighing in right at a hundred pounds is eleven-year-old Mitchell McCormack!” Whatever the announcer said next was silenced by the...
by Mitch McCormack | Apr 9, 2021 | Prayer Letter
Prayer lettersThe McCormack Family Printable Version APRIL 2021 Prayer Letter Poco a Poco When I was about five, my parents created the following family rule: if another person cannot escape your presence, you must stop singing. Now this might sound a tad harsh, but...
by Mitch McCormack | Mar 11, 2021 | Uncategorized
Prayer lettersThe McCormack Family Printable Version March 2021 Prayer Letter Round and Around and Around “Absolutely terrifying.” I believe those are the words my wife uttered that chilly fall morning. as she made what must have been the fourth lap around the...
by Mitch McCormack | Feb 19, 2021 | Prayer Letter
Prayer lettersThe McCormack Family Printable Version February 2021 Prayer Letter The ABC’s Bounding up the stairs, my oldest was belting the ABC’s. He is currently in that toddler stage where he randomly breaks out into every known nursery song, while simultaneously...
by Mitch McCormack | Dec 10, 2020 | Prayer Letter
Prayer lettersThe McCormack Family Printable Version December 2020 Prayer Letter The Final Chapter The end. My eyes dance over these final words as I close the cover of the book and sink back into the abyss of pillows on my mother-in-law’s couch. There is something...