by | Feb 13, 2024


The letter “e” was not quite sure which word it wanted to belong to, which consequently left the letter “u” solitarily floating in the bottom right corner. The resulting message in bright red crayon read, “I love yoe u.” The jagged edges of the paper heart that bore this loving message touted more confidence with scissors than skill, but to our four-year-old, it was a masterpiece. As I looked down at his offering, love welled in my heart for this little boy. It was at this moment that I was struck again by the amazing love that our God has for us and all the many blessings He has bestowed upon us.  

After safely arriving in Arequipa, the Lord allowed our family to seamlessly transition back into ministering. Our first Sunday, a young man who was in Arequipa visiting potential colleges found his way to the other side of the city and into one of our church services. After being able to hear a clear presentation of the Gospel, Luis made the decision to accept the greatest gift of love by placing his faith in Jesus Christ! 

The very next week, our church headed to the river for a baptismal service. While it may be summer here, the waters were still shockingly cold. However, Juana, an elderly grandmother, and David, her twenty-year-old grandson, were committed. As Juana reemerged from the water, the smile that broke through the planes of her weathered face shone with love and excitement for having finally taken this next step of faith and obedience, after having accepted Christ as her Saviour last year. Please be praying with me for David and Juana as they continue to grow in their faith and learn more about our loving God. 

Your Missionaries to Peru,
Mitch, Jacqulyn, Landon, and Ryan McCormack


  1. Luis accepted Christ as his Saviour! 
  2. Juana and David both followed the Lord in believer’s baptism. 

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please be praying for the upcoming Youth Retreat, that God would work mightily in the hearts and lives of our teens. 
  2. Please be praying for Rosemary, Brenda, and Valeria to accept Christ as their Saviour as well.