The hardest Homonym

The hardest Homonym

PRINTABLE VERSION “Homonym: ˈhäməˌnim (noun) one of two or more words spelled and pronounced alike but different in meaning.” At least, that is what Webster says. I was definitely grappling for the definition for a few minutes, and regrettably, I cannot say I was much...

A Time to Celebrate!

Printable Version July 2022, Prayer Letter A Time to Celebrate! “Mommy! It’s a star!” Landon excitedly exclaimed as the freshly-baked sugar cookies were set to cool on the wire racks. “Yes, Landon, they are for America’s Birthday,” my wife responded to our little boy....

Opportunity Knocking

june Prayer lettersThe McCormack Family PRINTABLE VERSION June Prayer Letter Opportunity Knocking I was a very literal child. I suppose most children are to some extent. When I first learned about tithing, I was quite convinced I had to die and go to heaven so that I...


Prayer lettersThe McCormack Family Printable Version January Prayer Letter Where is Kyle? Three little words. Three little words that I will remember for the rest of my life, just hours removed from the most devastating moment of my life, just hours removed from...

Tis the Season

Printable Version December 2021 Prayer Letter Tis the Season My wife is one of “those people.” You know the type. The kind who emphatically believes that it is never too soon to begin listening to Christmas music. Since we now live in a country that does not recognize...